CJZ Policies
Click to jump to a policy:
- Document Management and Communication Policy
- COVID policy
- Diversity & Inclusion
- Modern Slavery
- Occupational Health and Safety
- Privacy
- Social Media
- Sustainability
- Welfare of vulnerable people (inc Children)
- Mental Health and Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
- Workplace Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Harassment, and Bullying Policy
Document Management and Communication Policy
While working at CJZ, you represent CJZ. Please ensure all communication is both professional and courteous. Use CJZ templates and logos (refer to your Production Manager) to ensure documentation is standardised before sending. Please practice good email etiquette. Emails should be concise, respectful, and clear. Proof read, use proper grammar and punctuation, and respond promptly when necessary. Read more email etiquette tips here.
All work undertaken during your employment with us is owned by CJZ. This includes documents and emails created during the normal course of your work, regardless of whether you are using CJZ infrastructure or your own device.
Please ensure that use of CJZ email and Internet facilities meets the ethical and social standards of the workplace. Whilst a reasonable level of personal use is acceptable, this must not interfere with your work duties or obligations, and must not be illegal, unethical or contrary to the interests of CJZ or its clients.
COVID policy
Some productions will have specific COVID protocols. Below are general guidelines to be followed in absence of production specific COVID protocols.
Monitor Symptoms – You must monitor closely for symptoms and take a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) if any symptoms develop i.e. sore throat; dry cough; shortness of breath; body aches; coughing up blood or fever. DO NOT come to work with any symptoms. Please notify the Production Manager if you have symptoms and record a positive RAT result. Do not return to work until your symptoms are cleared and you return a negative RAT result.
Social Distancing – Social distancing is no longer required, however wherever possible, it is a good practice to physically distance especially when in a crowded indoor space.
Hygiene – Hand sanitiser will be readily available. Be mindful of sharing equipment and be sure to wipe down after use. Any shared equipment should be sanitised regularly.
Fresh Air – In the production office, feel free to open the windows and doors in consultation with others in the office.
Bring your own water bottle to set – Please BYO reusable drink bottles. Disposable plastic bottles will not be provided.
Face Masks are not a requirement in the office or on set unless otherwise directed. Masks are a good idea whenever you can’t socially distance or in a crowded indoor space. For specific productions, masks may be required on set and if you are working closely with key cast. The Production Manager will advise on when and where masks are required.
Exposure to someone with COVID – If exposed to someone with COVID: wear a mask, stay away from all on-screen personnel and monitor for symptoms. Conduct a RAT if you have any symptoms and continue to RAT while symptoms remain.
COVID Testing – Some productions may require RAT testing prior to being on set. The Production Manager will advise if this is required, the process on testing and how often it is required.
If you are sick – If you have COVID symptoms and cannot work, you will be paid sick leave in accordance with your entitlements. If you have exhausted your sick leave entitlement and face financial difficulties, please speak to your HOD or Production Manager.
- For more information: https://covid19.swa.gov.au/covid-19-information-workplaces
Diversity & Inclusion
CJZ is fully supportive of a diverse and inclusive working environment. We are looking wherever possible to employ staff, cast, and crew seeking gender equity (and equal pay for comparable roles) and, increase employment opportunities for people from diverse backgrounds.
Welcome to country – please arrange a welcome to country ceremony at the beginning of location-based productions. Liaise with CJZ production team to find and engage the correct traditional owners.
Acknowledgment of country – consider adding an acknowledgment of country to your email signature. If you are based in the Sydney production office the suggested language is: “I acknowledge and pay respects to the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation on whose land our office is located.” If you work elsewhere it is important that you refer to the correct placename or language group of the local traditional owners.
The Everyone Project – The Everyone Project (TEP) is used by the Australian film & television industry as a simple and comprehensive way of measuring and reporting on diversity. When requested by broadcasters and/or funders, CJZ will provide the name, role, and contact details of all cast and crew at https://theeveryoneproject.org/ to invite you to participate in voluntary demographic surveys. Please advise your Production Manager if you do NOT consent for us pass on your contact information.
Modern slavery is defined here https://www.antislavery.org/ as when an individual is exploited by others, for personal or commercial gain. Most contracts with commissioning broadcasters require CJZ to provide reasonable information and assistance to enable them to comply with reporting obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth).
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
CJZ recognises that OHS is of fundamental importance. Work safety law requires producers to take reasonable steps to eliminate risks, or if that is not possible, to minimise them.
Risk Assessments – Each production will have a risk assessment or safety report written prior to the start of production. It will be circulated to all cast and crew as required. Productions will also create specific risk assessment or safety reports during production based on script/story/shoot requirements (e.g. stunts, boat, helicopters).
Inductions – Induction information must be included on call sheets and distributed to crew, cast and visitors. Where possible, the 1st AD should provide a group induction for all cast and crew at each new shooting location. Production managers are responsible for providing inductions to production office crew.
Insurances – All contractors must provide evidence of their required insurances (e.g. public liability and workers comp insurance). Your production manager will advise.
Gun policy – CJZ policy is that a senior officer of the company must to be on set to supervise an armourer and check guns before filming.
Relevant documents:
- CJZ OHS full policy
- CJZ Incident Response Flow Chart
- CJZ Incident Report Form
- Australian Guidelines for Screen Safety: https://www.screensafety.com.au/safety-guidelines
Social Media
Policies will be set on a show-by-show basis; will be tailored to the level of risk; and will take into account the commissioning broadcaster’s social media policy. In the absence of a specific policy, the general principals are:
- No posting on set unless specifically authorised.
- Only authorised staff may post on official CJZ social media accounts.
- Cast and crew may reshare official CJZ posts.
- We encourage cast/crew to be aware of their social media accounts privacy setting. For more info please go refer to the CJZ Social Media Guidelines for talent / participants
CJZ are a member of Sustainable Screens Australia and support the industry to reduce and offset the carbon emissions in CJZ productions. We encourage everyone via planning and reporting to change habits.
The general principles are:
- reduce, reuse, recycle
- Minimise waste
- Avoid single use materials
- Prefer locally sourced products
- Seek out eco-friendly suppliers and products
- Offset carbon where possible
Relevant documents:
- CJZ Office and Production Sustainability Protocols
- HODs go to Sustainable Screens website for dept specific guides: https://www.sustainablescreens.au/tools-resources
Welfare of vulnerable people (including children)
All staff should consider the welfare of people living with disabilities, impairment, mental health issues, or who are incapacitated, elderly or underage. Specific ‘duty of care’ protocols must be considered and implemented on productions that involve vulnerable people. Please discuss with CJZ Production Supervisor if you require more info.
Specific rules for child employment:
- CJZ has a Child Safe Code of Conduct to be distributed to crew by the Production Manager when relevant.
- Working with Children Checks are required for crew members who will be responsible for children on set.
- The applicable law for employing and contracting children is different in each state and territory of Australia. If you think you will need to employ a child or children on your production, talk to your Production Manager and Production Supervisor about the process to employ children.
- A child is defined as a person under the age of 16 years in NSW, and under the age of 18 years in Victoria.
Mental Health and Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
CJZ’s EAP is provided by Associated Counsellors & Psychologists who are Sydney based but also have contacts nationally. They can be contacted on 02 8205 0566.
Three sessions are available on an anonymous basis (although you will have to state your production). Should more sessions be required, the provider will call us (person still remaining anonymous) and discuss the need for more sessions or refer that person to a GP.
Workplace Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Harassment, and Bullying Policy
CJZ does not tolerate any form of harassment in the production of our shows including discrimination, bullying, harassment, or sexual harassment.
- Discrimination is treating, or proposing to treat, someone unfavourably because of a personal characteristic protected by the law, such as sex, age, race or disability.
- Harassment is unwelcome and unsolicited behaviour that a reasonable person would consider to be offensive, intimidating, humiliating or threatening.
- Sexual harassment is any form of unwelcome behaviour of a sexual nature, which could be expected to make a person feel offended, humiliated or intimidated.
- Where employees engage in consensual, welcome and reciprocated behaviour, this is not sexual harassment. However, appropriate professionalism is expected of all employees at all times.
- Bullying is where an individual or group of individuals repeatedly behave unreasonably to another person or group of persons at a workplace, which creates a risk to health and safety (including to a person(s) mental health).
- Workplace bullying does not include reasonable management action carried out in a reasonable manner. CJZ has rights and obligations to effectively direct and control the way work is carried out. It is reasonable for managers and supervisors to allocate work to an employee and give fair and reasonable feedback on an employee’s performance. Workplace conflict is generally not considered workplace bullying. Differences of opinion (e.g. differences in artistic direction) and disagreements in the workplace may arise without engaging in repeated, unreasonable behaviour that creates a risk to health and safety.
CJZ policy (see link below) sets out expected standards of behaviour by all employees to foster a safe, respectful, and inclusive work environment. It details employee rights and responsibilities, as well as the roles and responsibilities of management. It provides a formal process for making complaints and how complaints will be dealt with by management.
Reporting – You should report any conduct that you believe is harassment, whether it is against you or another person, to your Production Manager or your Series Producer directly. If you would prefer to report this outside of the direct production, please contact the CJZ Executive Producer or Production Supervisor.
Everyone has a responsibility to always embody and promote appropriate standards of behaviour. This includes during work hours while working on the project and out-of-hours while attending work- related functions. It is very important to speak up if you are subjected to or witness inappropriate behaviour.
Relevant documents:
The CJZ Privacy policy is published on the website and sets out how and why CJZ collects, stores, and uses personal and sensitive information provided by people we work with.
Filming in public spaces – CJZ follows the general principle that anyone in a public place, where there is no expectation of privacy, can be filmed without permission.